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About Us

Exceptional Expertise for Comprehensive Care

At Best Care Behavioral Health and Medical Services, our team of highly qualified professionals is committed to providing unparalleled mental health care in a supportive and nurturing environment.

Meet Our Founder: Ngozi Ubaghara

Ngozi Ubaghara MSN, FNP, PMHNP-BC, is a board-certified family nurse practitioner and psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. With over 15 years of experience in various healthcare settings, she has collaborated with numerous psychiatric specialists and other mental health professionals across the state of Illinois.

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Education and Training

Ngozi received her undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate degrees from Chamberlain University. Passionate about supporting mental health and emotional wellness with new techniques and knowledge, she returned to school for her psychiatry certification at Northern Kentucky University.

Whole-Person Care Approach

Ngozi is committed to providing whole-person care for her patients, addressing medical, nutritional, hormonal, and environmental causes of symptoms. She has worked in hospitals and outpatient clinics, meeting individuals where they are and empowering them to reach their full potential.


Compassionate and Patient-Centered Care

Adored by her patients, Ngozi strives to practice compassionate, inclusive, and patient-centered care, helping others see the best in themselves and live their best lives. She believes that collaborating with other mental health specialists leads to improved treatment outcomes. She ensures that medication is always prescribed with appropriate caution in conversation with her patients.

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